Fashion and Facebook: why don’t luxury brands invest in Facebook applications?
fashion marketingRecently, while seeking some inspiration, I browsed through a lot of the luxury fashion brands’ …
The interactive future of the fashion ecommerce
fashion retailIn my last post I wrote shortly about fashion ecommerce evolution and I drew my …
From the beginnings of the fashion ecommerce, through social shopping, to a vision of the clothes and accessories shops of the future
fashion retailFashion ecommerce – beginnings were bad It took a long time for a fashion industry …
Fashion week online – how can fashion marketing management let you be an insider at the event
fashion eventIt is a continuation of my article about social media in the fashion marketing in …
Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (Fall 2013) on the Internet – how can you take a part in an online event
fashion eventNew York Fashion Week (NYFW) takes place in February. All of the true fashioholics awaits …
„Shoppable” video by Gucci – own cruise 2013 collection by a click – pluses and minuses
fashion retailSome time ago I wrote about the very first music video, thanks to which you …
100 years in 1 minute: history of fashion
fashion retailHere’s a beautiful animation about the history of fashion. By Julie Perfezou. Amazing!
Ready-to-wear or Haute Couture tool: best CMS for your fashion website
fashion retailIn my last post devoted to websites for fashion I wrote why it is important …
5 things to expect in the fashion marketing in 2013
fashion marketingConsumers are tired with the omnipresent marketing. Consequently, to be more effective, fashion marketers will …