There are many brands that are changing the face of online shopping on the Central European fashion market, and also the Polish market. E-commerces are competing in promotions, offers (both for the customer and for the vendor). The satisfaction of both buyers and sellers is the definitive measure of an e-commerce’s success. The better the satisfaction of the latter, and the better the offers, the more likely the former is to check out the website. If you take the traffic and prices as the measure of success – Allegro leaves the rest behind. Their only problem (from the perspective of fashion) is their size.
This size is understood as the number of brands available on the platform with which the branding must keep up. Allegro works with the biggest players in the electronics industry (such as Apple or Microsoft), it also has brands desired by fashion customers in its portfolio (such as Venezia, Adidas, Wólczanka). However, in view of the number of categories and products, the information about the fact that there are high-quality clothes being sold can be lost. Paradoxically, this challenge is largely on the shoulders of the designers and fashion brands: if they will base their decisions on the numbers more often, and also learn to service and understand the customers themselves – then they will have access to millions of users and an interest in promoting Allegro Fashion/Beauty section through their brand. It would also be beneficial due to the competitiveness of the market – margins charged by online stores of brands can reach over 30% (Allegro takes less than 8-10%).
I expect that the dynamic of activities of fashion brands will grow in an interesting way, along with increasing customer confidence in shopping using a smartphone or a tablet. We are at a stage where brands need to start thinking about these sales channels, taking opportunities to build their own apps and use apps such as Allegro in order to promote their own e-commerce. Allegro is a pioneer in this market, its competition still has a lot of catching up to do. An interesting move would be to allow customers to use Allegro’s API to build their own mobile businesses. API for Facebook and other websites is already available.
Allegro appears to me to be a brand that has managed to do a great deal but can do even more. Not only in their own interest, but also to revitalize the market and in order for designers and fashion brands to have a bigger choice and more motivation to work online/offline. Measures taken by such a huge company won’t just affect the sales processes. If brands will start to operate using AGILE more, they will have a better chance in the market – the way consumers think will change and bigger brands will have to adapt, which may help contribute to the improvement of the standards of work of clothes manufacturers, or bring more of this production to Europe.
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