Own as little as possible. The less you have, the easier it is to change your course. Don’t give up on the agility. Use it for new elements of your production and sale. The Inditex group monitors everything from whether the light is on in one of their shops, to the marketing campaigns they carry out, RFID codes and the control of availability of clothes in their shops. They are one of the most AGILE companies in the world and, for this reason, also one of the biggest clothing companies that invests minimum resources in marketing and maximum resources in data.
Remember that the bigger you are, the more you can influence the environment or society with your behavior. You’d better be ready for change in case the effects of your actions are undesirable. Each mistake can cost you millions. Irrespective of the stage you’re at, don’t forget several vital startup mottos and, above all,think big, act small, fail as fast as you can and be AGILE.
Fashion blogger – a profession in its twilight. Democratization of fashion – the biggest myth in the global fashion industry.
Changing of the guard – the native digital Generation Z as a fashion consumer 3.0
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