3 innovations of the “Internet of Things” that will revolutionize marketing and fashion retail
by Kasia Gola
Fashion marketers often forget that their job shouldn’t be limited to what happens in media. Their strategies shouldn’t be based solely on the Internet research. They should be closer to clients, customer service and directs sale. Retail and marketing are now closer than ever since the discovery of the “Internet of Things”. More and more hardware, operating online or offline, are made that can revolutionize lifes of both retailers and marketers:
VIP recognization system
Imagine that managers in your shop eg. of luxury bags get an instant notification when a celebrity enters. Chance of treating him well, guide him or treat with champagne rises. Such possibility is to be given by VIP Identification System – VIP NEC IT Solutions, which recognizes famous faces (working as more advanced Google Image) and notifies staff via their smartphones.
Google analytics for real world, using Bluetooth® low energy technology, which is supposed to be widely backed-up by smartphones producers, allows sending perfectly edited notifications to your clients.
Estimote can help with targeting clients, inform about interesting promotion and also analyze fast who the clients are, how they act up, move around shop, react against changes and announcements, and most importantly – how big percentage of shop’s movement can bring real income and how to enlarge conversion of this movement. If I were the H&M CEO, I’d already install several of those devices in hundreds of shops.
TeamLab Hanger
An innovation made especially for fashion. When a customer takes a cloth from the hanger, on a nearby TV eg. a model presenting the cloth on a runway appears. Just like that! Thanks to that, a clients know how a cloth can present itself and which special features it contains (eg. when we present sports shoes).
what will revolutionize fashion? 3D printers!
A few ideas how the fashion industry could use drones
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