3 innovations of the “Internet of Things” that will revolutionize marketing and fashion retail
emerging technologyFashion marketers often forget that their job shouldn’t be limited to what happens in media. …

Ralph Lauren 4D Experience (2010)
fashion eventA really amazing fusion of fashion and digital technology (3d graphic). Ralph Lauren’s 4D show …

Great animations and apps by CHANEL MAKEUP CONFIDENTIAL
fashion marketingYou might have missed it, but CHANEL has it’s awesome website devoted to beauty issues. …

Fashion and Facebook: why don’t luxury brands invest in Facebook applications?
fashion marketingRecently, while seeking some inspiration, I browsed through a lot of the luxury fashion brands’ …

Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week (Fall 2013) on the Internet – how can you take a part in an online event
fashion eventNew York Fashion Week (NYFW) takes place in February. All of the true fashioholics awaits …

100 years in 1 minute: history of fashion
fashion retailHere’s a beautiful animation about the history of fashion. By Julie Perfezou. Amazing!

Beautiful Holiday Animation by Burberry
fashion marketingBurberry wishes its’ mailing subscribers a magical festive season and sends them an amazing, beautiful Holiday …

what will revolutionize fashion? 3D printers!
emerging technologyRecently I’m pretty interested in 3D printing which is also known as an “Additive Manufacturing“. You can …

New York Fashion Week in Social Media – infographic by Whispr Group
fashion eventWhispr Group created an amazing infographic about the Twitter activity surrounding New York Fashion Week.

bringing Burberry.com to life on 121 Regent Street
fashion marketingJust a few months ago, after the Vogue Festival 2012, I wrote about Burberry’s innovative …