Information about dinosaurs romping around at British Conde Nast sites (includig Vogue’s) circulated in the Internet in July (yes, not news… But you might have missed it). It’s thanks to a childhood’s trick called ‘konami code’. The question is why? Hackers or Conde Nast’s marketers? (Yes, we know the answer)
Campaign results on
There are no official results, however I’d try to sum it up myself:
- 1 700 000 results for searching the phrase ‘vogue dinosaur‘
- and 23 200 000 for googling ‘vogue dinosaur trick‘ (sic!)
- informations generated by te biggest interent media sites: CNN, buzzfeed,
- 3.5 K displays of the most popular one on this topic at youtube
- profit: site traffic, thousands of valuable links, image of modern brand, added value for designers:
- millions of people watched their hats being worn by world’s oldest model
- summing up: one of the best virals of summer
- and look at Google Trends… (and konami code) was super popular at that time!
can’t wait for what’s going to happen this year… and don’t tell me that ‘chic can’t be geek’ 🙂
Q&A: fashion in the digital age by Robin Derrick
If you think that paper magazines are dead… you are a muggle.
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